Audit Solutions
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Audit Solutions
Due Diligence
Investigation process on the existence of debts or pending issues of tax, labor nature and other contingencies.
Tax Review
Aims to validate tax practices, special procedures, in order to minimize tax risks and contingencies.
Labor Review
The work in this area will include specific inspections related to the company’s personnel department.
Transfer Pricing
Transfer Pricing is the tax mechanism that aims to control international transfers between related persons, applicable to goods, services, rights or interest.
Reports for Spin-off, Merger and Consolidation Processes
Our experience allows us to act from the planning of corporate reorganizations to the effective registration of changes.
Expertise to help your Business grow
Since 1987 providing quality accounting and tax consultancy services, and assisting national and foreign companies through responsible and competent work.
Speak to a Specialist
Telephone Number: +55 (11) 3124-2555
WhatsApp: +55 (11) 99790.7405
E-mail: comercial@gjacintho.com.br
Rua Luis Coelho, nº 223, 1st Floor –
Consolação, Sao Paulo-SP.
We call you.